Indian press – newspaper and journals before Independence
James Augustus Hickey published the first newspaper in India entitled ‘The Bengal Gazette or Calcutta General Advertiser, but seized within two years, because of criticism of government officials.
In Indian history, many leaders, known and unknown persons contributed a very important role in independence. One-third of the founding fathers of the Indian National Congress were journalists, some of their publications are discussed below.
Newspaper and Journals Before Independence
Some important newspapers and journals are listed here with founders:
Bengal Gazette
- Founded by – James Augustus Hickey, he was an Irishman.
- Hickey was also called the father of the Indian press.
- Published in- 1780
- place- Calcutta
The Calcutta Gazette
- Published in 1784
Madras courier
- It was the first paper of Madras
- Year-1788
Bombay Herald
- The first paper from Bombay
- Year -1789
- founded by William Ashburner
The newspapers and journals of the early period primarily aimed at catering to the intellectual entertainment of the Europeans and Anglo-Indians. From the second half of the 19th century, many powerful newspapers appeared, edited/published by distinguished and fearless journalists.
Bengal Gazette (the first Bengali Newspaper)
- year- 1818
- Place- Calcutta
- Harishchandra ray
Sambad Kamudi
- published weekly in Bengal
- Year- 1821
- Founder -Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Mirat-ul- Akbar (Persian)
Ras Goftar
- Year- 1851
- Founded/Edited by – Dada Bhai Naoroji.
- Naoroji was also associated with the Voice of Indis
Hindu Patriot
- Year- 1853
- Place- Calcutta
- Initiated by Girish Chandra Ghose, Harishchandra Mukherji later became editor and owner.
- The First Bengali political paper.
- year- 1858
- Place- Calcutta
- Founded/Edited by – Dwarkanath Vidyabhusan
Indian Mirror (in English)
- Year- 1862
- Place- Calcutta
- Founded/Edited by Devendra Nath Tagore.
- Year- 1862
- Place – Calcutta
- Grishchandra Ghosh and Surendra Nath Banerjee are associated with it.
Amrita Bazar Patrika
- It was in Bengali at the beginning and later in English.
- Year – 1868
- Sisirkumar Gosh and Motilal Gosh.
Bangadarshana (Bengali)
- Year- 1873
- Place- Calcutta
- Bankimchandra Chatterji
The Hindu (English)
- Year- 1878
- Place- Madras
- Founders- G.S.Iyer, Subbharao pandit
- G. Subramaniyam Iyer is also associated with Swadeshmitram.
- Year- 1880
- Place- Bombay
- associated with Narayan Meghajee
Kesari(Marathi daily) and Maratha (weekly -English )
- Year- 1881
- Place- Bombay
- Founders and editors- Tilak, Chipulunkar
- Year- 1906
- Place- Bengal
- Founders- Barindra Kumar Ghose and Bhupendranath Dutta
- Year- 1919
- By M.K.Gandhi
- Weekly Newspaper
young India
- Year- 1919
- By M.K. Gandhi
- weekly journal

Bahiskrit Bharat
- Year- 1927
- By B.R. Ambedkar
Bandi Jivan
- Place- Bengal
- By Sachindranath Sanyal
- Year- 1933
- By M.K. Gandhi
- Weekly Journal
Harijan Sevak (Hindi)
- Year-1933
- By M.K Gandhi
- Harijan Bandhu in gujrati
Hindustan Dainik
- Hindi newspaper
- year- 1936
- M.M Malviya
National Herald
- Year- 1938
- Started by Jawaharlal Nehru

Newspapers in Abroad by Revolutionaries:
Many newspapers published abroad by revolutionaries are listed here:
Indian Sociologist
- Indian Sociologist was published in London.
- Founder- Shyamji Krishnavarma.
Bande Mataram
- Published in Paris
- Founded by Madam Bhikaji Cama
- Place – Berlin
- the person associated- Virendra Nath Chattopadhyay
- Place- San Francisco
- Editor/founder – Ghadr party – Lala Hardayal
New India
- Year- 1914
- Annie Besant
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- Important Peasant Movements of Indian Modern History
- Sources of Modern History
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- Mahatma Gandhi and National Movements
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