The Preamble of the Indian Constitution
The term “Preamble” refers preface of the Indian Constitution. The Preamble of the Indian constitution is based on Objective Resolutions, which was drafted and moved by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and adopted by the constituent assembly by 22nd January 1946. The preamble contains the essence of the constitution.
The preamble was amended once by the 42nd Constitutional amendment Act of 1976 through which three words have been added: Socialist, Secular, and Integrity.
The Texts of Preamble of Indian Constitution:

Keywords in the preamble– Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, democratic, Republic, Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.
- Sovereign- the word shows that India is an independent state. Any authority is not above it, and it is free for conducting its own affairs (both internal as well as external affairs).
- Socialist– the term added by the 42nd Amendment Act of 1976. According to the supreme court, democratic socialism aimed to end poverty, ignorance, diseases, and inequality of opportunity. Indian socialism is a blend of Marxism and Gandhism, leaning heavily towards Gandhian Socialism.
- Secular– it was also added by the 42nd Amendment Act of 1976. In our constitution, the positive concept of secularism is considered as all religions in our country have the same status and support from the state.
- Democratic– it is based on the doctrine of popular sovereignty i.e. possession of supreme power by people.
- Republic- it indicates that in India, we have an elected head (president) for a fixed time period of five years. Our president indirectly. It also means that political sovereignty is in people, not in any single individual like a king. There is no discrimination against any citizen.
- Justice– it shows three forms – Social, economic, and political secured through various fundamental provisions and DPSPs. The ideal of justice- Social, economic, and political is taken from the Russian Revolution- 1917.
- Liberty– It stands for the absence of restraints on an individual’s activities and also provides an opportunity for the development of personalities of individuals.
- the preamble secures the liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship, of Indian citizens through Fundamental rights.
- The ideal of liberty, equality, and fraternity has taken from the French Revolution – 1789- 1799
- Equality– Stands for the absence of any special privileges to any section of Indian society, and provision of adequate opportunity for all individuals without any discrimination.
- it secures equality of status and opportunity.
- the provision embraces three dimensions of equality- Civic, Political, and economic.
- Fraternity– Stands for a sense of brotherhood. Fraternity assures two things –The dignity of the Individual and the Unity and Integrity of the Nation.
- The word “integrity” was added by the 42nd amendment (1976).
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[…] aims at realizing the high ideals of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity as outlined in the Preamble to the […]
[…] Added three new words i.e., socialist, secular, and integrity in the Preamble. […]
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