Largest Military Spender Countries in The World 2020 Report.
When Released: 27th-April-2020
Who Released: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The study report is based on the 2019 fact sheet of SIPRI.
Headquarters: Solna Stockholm, Sweden
INDIA Rank: 3rd
The Study has done about Largest Military Spender Countries in the world in 2020 by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) 2019 fact sheet of SIPRI. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute is an international institute based in Stockholm. It was founded in 1966 and provides data, analysis, and recommendations for armed conflict, military expenditure, and arms trade as well as disarmament and arms control.
According to the latest report, Total global military expenditure has increased in 2019 by 3.6 % than the Previous year 2018 and It is the largest annual growth in military Expenditure since after 2010. Total Global military expenditure is $1917 Billion US$ in 2019. Top Five Spenders on Militaries is held the 62% of total Expenditure. These countries are the USA, CHINA, INDIA, RUSSIA, SAUDI ARABIA. This is the first time that 2 ASIAN Nations are in the top 3 in Largest Military Spender in 2019.
Below tables is showing the top 15 Countries which are the top 15 spenders on their military in 2019: Report Prepared By SIPRI
SIPRI’s organizational purpose is to conduct scientific research on issues on conflict and cooperation of importance for international peace and security, with the goal of contributing to an understanding of the conditions for a peaceful solution of international conflicts and sustainable peace.
SIPRI was ranked among the top three non-US worldwide think tanks in 2014 by the University of Pennsylvania Lauder Institutes.
As per the Global Go To Think Tanks Report In 2019, SIPRI ranked 31st amongst think tanks globally.
The Military Balance 2021 Report:
Another Report has released in 2021 that is ” The Military Balance 2021” Prepared by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). This report is also about the World’s largest spender on Military in 2020.
When Released: 25th February 2021
Who Released: International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).
Headquarters: Arundel House in London, England.
INDIA Rank: 3rd
The International Institute for Strategic (IISS): IISS is a British research institute (or think tank) in the area of international affairs. IISS provides objective information on military, geopolitical, and geo-economic developments. Our analysts continuously collect and validate defense data on 171 countries.
Data featured in The Military Balance 2021 shows that global defense spending increased in 2020 to reach US$1.83 trillion, growing by 3.9% in real terms over 2019 figures.
The below table is showing the top 15 countries which are top spenders on their Military in 2020. Report Prepared by the IISS.

The International Institute for Strategic Studies helps the world understand and address global security challenges.
Our experts give accurate, objective, strategic insight into the biggest issues – from terrorism and shifting East-West relations to cyberwarfare and nuclear non-proliferation
Also read :
- Global Manufacturing Risk Index (MRI) 2020
- CCPI (Climate Change Performance Index)
- Economic Freedom Index 2021
Thank you !! 🙂
[…] Largest Military Spender Countries in The World 2020 Report. […]
[…] Largest Military Spender Countries in The World 2020 Report. […]
[…] Largest Military Spender Countries in The World 2020 Report. […]