sources of modern history

Sources of Modern History of India

Sources of Modern History of India Archives refer to a collection of historical records and documents, usually primary source documents, which provide information of the past. Four types of archival materials – central government archives state government archives records of intermediate and subordinate authorities judicial records Some famous British travelers Read more…

Fertilization In Human

Reproductive system in human

Reproductive system in human Humans reproduce sexually and are viviparous (produce young ones rather than eggs). It goes through various steps and can be studied in two-part- i.e. male reproductive system and the female reproductive system The main processes in the reproductive system are the Formation of gametes, fertilization, pregnancy, and Read more…

reproduction in organism

Reproduction in Organisms

Reproduction in Organisms Reproduction in Organisms: In simple language, the definition of reproduction is “The process by which living organisms produce their offspring for the continuity of their species is known as reproduction.” It is one of the most important characteristics of organisms. In this process, the genetic material transmits Read more…

Types of Pollution


Pollution  Pollution is the unfavorable alteration of our environment, largely as a result of human activities (Southwick; 1976) We can explain it as ‘Pollution is an undesirable change in physical, chemical, and biological characteristics in our air, land, and water that is harmful or may harm future organisms’. Actions such Read more…