International Organizations

International organizations

International Organizations: Introduction: International organizations are also known as intergovernmental organizations. An international organization is a stable set of norms and rules meant to govern the behavior of states and other actors in the International system. The list of important  International Organizations is given in the table: Organizations Estd. Headquarters President/General Secretary Members International Labour Organization (ILO) 1919 Geneva Gilbert Houngbo – 11th  director general of ILO. (assumed office – 1 Oct. 2022) 187 (Tonga-187th member) Interpol 1923 Lyons (France) Nasser Al-Raisi (Chaiman) 194 (Kiribati-194th member) Commonwealth 1931 London (UK)…

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International Organizations Under UNO

International Organizations Under UNO

International Organizations Under UNO The UN came into existence after the IInd World War in 1945, the UN was seeing many global issues which need to trace and work on it to reduce the challenges and try to resolve the issues in various areas.  So for that reason, the UN Formed many organizations to trace and reduce global issues worldwide. International Organizations Under UNO A list of International Organizations Under UNO with short details is given in the table below: Name Of Agencies Estd. In Headquarters Purpose International Labour Organization (ILO)…

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Organs of the United Nations

UN Secretary Generals

Organs of the United Nations: The United Nations (UN) has six main organs. Five of them – The General Assembly, The Security Council, The Economic and Social Council, The Trusteeship Council, and the Secretariat – are based at UN headquarters in NEW YORK. The Sixth, The International Court of Justice, is located in The Hague in the Netherlands. All Were established under the UN charter when the Organization was founded in 1945. list of Organs Of the United Nations : General Assembly Security Council Economic and Social Council International Court…

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United Nations Organization (UNO)

un Emblem

United Nations Organizations (UNO) The United Nations is an International Organization founded in 1945 after the 2nd world War. Primarily 51 countries came together with Common agenda to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, and promote social justice and progress, better living standards, and human rights. UNO Insights: The UN’s Membership has grown from the original 51 member states in 1945 to the current 193 member states. The UN has evolved over the years with a rapidly changing world But one thing that has stayed the…

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