The Bryophytes

life cycle showing alternation of generation in Bryophytes

The Bryophytes Bryophytes are also called Amphibians of the plant kingdom. They include mosses and liverworts which grow commonly in the moist shaded area in the hills. They show haplo-diplontic life cycle. These are called Amphibians of the plant kingdom because they can live on soil but for sexual reproduction, they depend on water. The embryophytes without vascular tissues. Mostly occur in damp, humid, and shaded areas. Body Organization in Bryophytes:  Thallus-like, prostrate or erect, found attached to the substratum by unicellular or multicellular rhizoids. Lack of true roots stems,…

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Plant Kingdom-The Algae

haplontic life cycle - algae

Plant Kingdom-The Algae Introduction of Plant Kingdom Plant and animal kingdoms both include a wide variety of organisms that contribute to biodiversity. we can define Plants as Multicellular, Eukaryotic, and Photosynthetic Autotrophs rarely found heterotrophs having cellulosic cell walls. All are embryophytes. Echiler (1833) divided the plant kingdom into two subkingdoms on the basis of the presence or absence of seeds. Cryptogamae (Criptos-hidden; Gamous-marriage)- These are lower plants in which sex organs are hidden and seeds and flowers are absent termed seedless plants. These include three divisions- Thallophytes (Algae), bryophytes,…

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