

Balanoglossus It is a marine water-dwelling acorn worm (Enteropneusta). Blanoglossus cannot survive in freshwater. It belongs to hemichordates. it is an “evolutionary link” between invertebrates and vertebrates. Discovered by J.F. Eschscholtz in 1825 in Mashail Island. He described it as a worm-like holothurian. Kowalewski (1865) discovered the gill – slits in Blanoglossus, led to the creation of a special class Enteropneusta by Gegenbaur (1870). Bateson (1885) included them in Phylum Chordata. Hyman (1959), however, placed them near Echinodermata and gave Hemichordata a status of an independent phylum. Classification of  Balanoglossus:…

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