The Mauryan Empire

The Mauryan Empire - Mind map of Mauryan Empire

The Mauryan Empire With the foundation of the Mauryan Empire, political unity was achieved in India for the first time. Due to the accuracy of chronology and sources, the history writing of this era also becomes clear. The Mauryan dynasty was founded by Chandragupta Maurya who took advantage of the Nandas in the last days of their rule. He overthrew the Nandas with the help of Kautilya and established the rule of the Maurya dynasty. Sources of the Mauryan Empire Literary Sources: Kautilya’s Arthasatra: Kautilya has written the book Arthasatra…

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Persian and Greek Invasions in India

Persian and Greek Invasions in India

Persian and Greek Invasions in India During the first half of the sixth century B.C. several small principalities such as Kamboja, Gandhara, and Madras fought one another. The North–West area did not have a powerful kingdom, and it was wealthy and could be easily entered through passes in the Hindukush. The Achaemenian rulers of Iran expanded their empire at the same time as the Magadhan princes and took advantage of this political disunity on the northwest frontier. The Iranian ruler Darius penetrated northwest India in 516 BC and annexed the…

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Sarkaria Commission

Sarkaria Commission

Sarkaria Commission: Background, Recommendations, Significances Various committees and commissions are important for the UPSC IAS exam, which includes pre-independence commissions like the Hunter Commission, Simon Commission, and others. Turning back to the topic, post-independence commissions hold an important part in the development of our country and therefore are an important part of the UPSC Syllabus for Indian polity and governance. One of the most important post-independence commissions is the Sarkaria Commission, which has given important recommendations for center-state relations. On that note, let’s learn all about the Sarkaria Commission and…

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The Rise of the Magadhan Empire

The Rise of the Magadhan Empire

The Rise of the Magadhan Empire Among all the kingdoms of North India, Magadha emerged powerful and prosperous. In the aspects of political activity in north India, it became the nerve center. The political history of India from the sixth century B.C onwards is the history of the struggle between the states Magadha, Koshala, Vatsa, and Avanti for supremacy, and ultimately the kingdom of Magadha emerged to be the most powerful and succeeded in founding an empire. During the reign of Bimbisara and Ajatasatru, the prosperity of Magadha reached its…

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