Axolotl larva - Neoteny in Amphibia

Neoteny in Amphibians

Neoteny in Amphibians In some amphibians, the larva becomes sexually mature without metamorphoses or delayed metamorphoses. In some amphibians, the character of neoteny is shown as the failure or delay of the larva to metamorphose while becoming sexually mature. Neoteny emphasizes the retention of embryonic or larval features in the Read more…


General Characters of Uromastyx

General Characters of Uromastyx Introduction: The Uromastyx is a genus of African and Asian agamid lizards. These are commonly called spiny-tailed lizards, uromastyces, mastigure, or dab lizards. Lizards of genus Uromastyx are primarily herbivorous, but occasionally they eat insects, especially young lizards. They are mostly found in hilly, rocky areas Read more…

internal structure of Herdmania

Herdmania- Sea Squirts

Herdmania- Sea Squirts Systematic position of Herdmania Kingdom- Animalia Phylum- Chordata Sub Phylum – Urochordata, Tunicata Class- Acidiacea Order- Pleurogona Suborder- Stolidobranchia Family – Pyuridae Genus- Herdmania Habit and Habitat: Herdmania is a sedentary filter-feeding tunicate found in marine habitats. The animal often occurs in a gregarious form. These are Read more…