Sarkaria Commission

Sarkaria Commission

Sarkaria Commission: Background, Recommendations, Significances Various committees and commissions are important for the UPSC IAS exam, which includes pre-independence commissions like the Hunter Commission, Simon Commission, and others. Turning back to the topic, post-independence commissions hold an important part in the development of our country and therefore are an important part of the UPSC Syllabus for Indian polity and governance. One of the most important post-independence commissions is the Sarkaria Commission, which has given important recommendations for center-state relations. On that note, let’s learn all about the Sarkaria Commission and…

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The Rise of the Magadhan Empire

The Rise of the Magadhan Empire

The Rise of the Magadhan Empire Among all the kingdoms of North India, Magadha emerged powerful and prosperous. In the aspects of political activity in north India, it became the nerve center. The political history of India from the sixth century B.C onwards is the history of the struggle between the states Magadha, Koshala, Vatsa, and Avanti for supremacy, and ultimately the kingdom of Magadha emerged to be the most powerful and succeeded in founding an empire. During the reign of Bimbisara and Ajatasatru, the prosperity of Magadha reached its…

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Sixteen Mahajanapadas

Sixteen Mahajanapadas and Janapadas

Sixteen Mahajanapadas Mahajanapadas: They were sixteen strong kingdoms that existed in ancient Indian history from the sixth century BCE onwards. At the age of the Buddha, sixteen large states called Mahajanapadas existed. The Jain texts also contain references to the existence of sixteen Mahajanapadas. The Mahajanapadas were mostly situated north of the Vindhayas and extended from the northwest frontier to Bihar. Sixteen Mahajanpadas according to Anguttara Nikaya: According to Anguttara Nikaya, the sixteen Mahajanapadas were: Anga, Magadha, Kasi, Kosala, Vajji, Malla, Chedi, Vatsa, Kuru, Panchala, Matsya, Surasena, Asmaka, Avanti, Gandhara,…

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Agricultural systems in the world: A brief introduction

Agricultural systems in the world: A brief introduction

Agricultural systems in the world: A brief introduction of agricultural systems definition of Agriculture: Farming or agriculture is the practice of cultivating plants and livestock. It played a very important role in the development of human civilization. The development of agriculture enabled the human population to grow many times larger than could be sustained by hunting and gathering. A brief of the main agricultural systems in the world: There are various agricultural systems in the world, practiced under multiple combinations of physical and socioeconomic conditions. On the basis of methods…

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Human geography: Nature and scope

Human geography: Nature and scope

Human geography: Nature and scope Human geography deals with the relationship between the physical/natural and the human worlds, the spatial distribution of human phenomena and how they come about, and the social and economic differences between different parts of the world. What is spatial distribution? Spatial distribution in statistics is the arrangement of the phenomenon across the Earth’s surface and the graphical display of such an arrangement is an important tool in geographical and environmental statistics. Definitions of Human geography: Human geography is the synthetic study of the relationship between…

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Continent Africa

Africa physical map with desrts highlands

Continent Africa Continent Africa is the second largest continent in terms of area after Asia. It covers an area of 30,065,000 sq. km. It is also the second most populous continent after Asia. It covers 6% of Earth’s total area and 20% of its land area. The continent is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Isthmus of Suez, and the Red Sea to the Northeast. The Indian Ocean to the Southeast and the Atlantic Ocean to the west of Africa. Africa is separated from Asia by the…

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Buddhism: Teaching, Spread, and Causes for Decline

Mind Map of Buddhism

Buddhism: Teaching, Spread, Causes for Decline and contribution to Indian Culture Causes of origin of Buddhism: The complex rituals and sacrifices during the later Vedic period were not acceptable to common people. Expansive Sacrificial ceremonies. The confusion of people about the ‘superstitious beliefs and mantras’. The highly philosophical nature of the teaching of Upanishads which were not easily understood by all. Complex languages of these religious teaching. The teaching language of Buddha was simple and easily understood by people. Other regions also played a significant role in the growth of…

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Jainism: Origin, Doctrines, Spread, and Causes of Decline


Jainism: Origin, Doctrines, Spread, and Causes of Decline Cause of origin: The primary cause of the origin of the religion was the religious unrest in India in the 6th Century B.C. In society, many complex rituals and sacrifices were advocated during the Later Vedic period which was not acceptable to the common people. The sacrificial ceremonies were too expansive, and the superstitious beliefs and mantras confused people. These are not easily understood by all people. The Brahmans stated themselves as upper Varna with the highest status in society and demanded…

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The Vedic Culture: 1500-600 B.C.

The Vedic Culture: 1500-600 B.C. Main contents in the post: The advent of the Aryans The original home of Aryans The Vedic literature and their importance The Rig Vedic age and its culture Tribal conflict Political organization Social life Economic Condition Religion The Later Vedic age and its culture Phases of Vedic culture: The period of 1500 to 600 B.C can be divided as: Early Vedic Period or Rig Vedic Period (1500 B.C – 1000 B.C) Later Vedic Period (1000 B.C – 600 B.C) The advent of the Aryans After…

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Identity of Aryan Culture

Identity of Aryan Culture

Identity of Aryan Culture The post, Identity of Aryan culture is important for various purposes of study, for UPSC IAS, PCS, UPPSC, BPSC, and other History graduation exams. The texts consist of traits of Aryan: The principal (identity of Aryan cultural) traits of Aryan culture are set out by Vedic, Iranian, and Greek literary texts and cognate terms found in the proto-Indo-European languages. The texts helped in reconstructing the material and other aspects of Aryans Culture comprising the Rig Veda, the Zend-Avesta, and Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. The time of…

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