Chemical classification of hormones
Chemical classification of hormones Hormones can be classified on the basis of their chemical nature, composition, mechanism of action, effect, and endocrine glands. Hormones may be derived from any amino acids, cholesterol, or phospholipids. Classification of hormones on the basis of chemical nature On the basis of their chemical nature, Read more…
Endocrine Glands And Hormones
Endocrine Glands And Hormones Endocrine Glands And Hormones: The endocrine glands lack ducts and are hence called ductless glands. The secretions of the ductless gland are called hormones. Ernest Starling was the first person who coined the term “Hormone”. The scientific (new definition from NCERT) definition of Hormones is Read more…
Life Process-4 Excretion in Human and Plants
Life Process-4 Excretion Excretion: Removal of all harmful, unwanted products (especially nitrogenous wastes) from the body of an organism is called excretion. Different organisms use various strategies to perform the process. For example- Many unicellular organisms remove wastes by simple diffusion from the body’s surface into the surrounding water. The Read more…
Circulation in humans
Circulation in humans: As we know our body is made up of cells and nutrients and oxygen needed to survive, and wastes need to be removed from them. transportation of nutrients, gases, wastes, and other substances from one part of our body to the other part, is carried out by Read more…
Life Process- 2 Respiration
Life Process- 2 Respiration Respiration: Every living organism needs energy to perform various life activities, and the process of respiration fulfills this energy requirement. During respiration, this food is broken down in the presence of oxygen, and energy is released during respiration. Breathing- exchange of gases between the animal body Read more…
Nutrition in organisms
Nutrition In Organisms The process by which organisms obtain and utilize food for their growth, development, and maintenance is called nutrition and the chemical substances present in the food are called nutrients. Every organism needs energy to perform its life processes, and these energies are acquired by proteins and Read more…
Cell Division-Meiosis
Cell Division-Meiosis The term meiosis was coined by J.B Farmer and J.F Moore, and the cell in meiosis was found termed meiocytes. Meiosis occurs in sexual reproduction, where the production of offspring by the fusion of gametes with a haploid set of chromosomes. This division is also called reduction division Read more…
Cell Division-mitosis
Cell Division-mitosis Introduction: Cell division is the process by which a parent cell divides into two or more daughter cells. Organisms need new cells to grow, replace old, dead, and injured cells, and also form gametes which are necessary for reproduction, the process by which cell arises from pre-existing cells Read more…
Biomolecules and their importance
Biomolecules The cell of organisms is made up of various organic as well as inorganic elements and water. All the chemicals or molecules essential for the maintenance of all vital or physiological actions of the body are termed biomolecules. A biomolecule or biological molecules are present in organisms that are Read more…