World population day

World population day is observed every year on 11 July, it seeks to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues.

History of World Population Day  

World Population Day was established by the United Nations Development Programme in 1989, an outgrowth of the interest generated by the Day of Five Billion, which was observed on 11 July 1987.

By resolution 45/216 of December 1990, the United Nations General Assembly decided to continue observing World Population Day enhance awareness of population issues, including their relations to the environment and development.

The Day was first marked on 11 July 1990 in more than 90 countries. Since then, a number of UNFPA country offices and other organizations and institutions commemorate World Population Day, in partnership with governments and civil society.

Significance of world Population day

UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) works with many partners, both within and outside the United Nations system, including Governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society, faith-based organizations, religious leaders, and others, to achieve its mission.

UNFPA works to support family planning by ensuring a steady, reliable supply of quality contraceptives; strengthening national health systems; advocating for policies supportive of family planning; and gathering data to support this work.

The theme of World Population Day 2021

This year, the theme of world population Day 2021 is “Rights and choices are the answer: Whether baby boom or bust, the solution to shifting fertility rates lies in prioritizing the reproductive health and rights of all people”.

The theme describes with the angle of ‘The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on fertility’.

It will shed light on the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive behavior globally.

It is organized by the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA).

The pandemic has compromised healthcare systems, particularly in the area of sexual and reproductive health. While those with access to sexual and reproductive health services historically delay childbearing in times of fiscal uncertainty or crisis, disruptions in the supply of contraceptives in combination with lockdowns are predicted to result in a sharp rise in unplanned pregnancies for the most vulnerable. According to UNFPA research in March, an estimated 12 million women experienced disruptions to family planning services.



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14th August- Partition Horror Remembrance Day - PCSSTUDIES · September 22, 2021 at 10:16 pm

[…] World population day 2021 […]

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