

Phylum-Mollusca Phylum Mollusca is the second-largest phylum of the animal kingdom after the Arthropod. These are soft-bodied animals. The members of this phylum are called mollusks or mollusks. Around 85000 species of mollusks are recognized. The size of mollusks ranges from microscopic to 20 meters long animals. They show much impact on human lives. These are huge sources of food as well as ornaments. Characteristics features of phylum Mollusca Habitats: The mollusks exist on terrestrial or aquatic (marine or fresh-water habitats). Phylum Mollusca is the largest marine phylum. Level of…

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Phylum-Arthropoda – (The name is derived from- Atheros-joint, pods-appendages). These are invertebrates include insects, arachnids, myriapods, and crustaceans. Phylum Arthropoda is the largest phylum of the kingdom Animalia. Around two-thirds of all species on earth belongs to the phylum Arthropoda. Characteristics features of phylum Arthropoda Level of organization: The members having the organ-system level of organization. Symmetry: Bilateral symmetry in organisms Germinal layer: Triploblastic Segmented body Body cavity or coelom: These are coelomate animals. Exoskeleton: In arthropods, the body is covered with a chitinous exoskeleton. Body: The body of the…

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Phylum-Annelida – (Name Annelida: Latin word, annulus: little ring) Phylum-Annelida – The organisms of this phylum also known as the ringed worms or segmented worms, are a large phylum. The phylum includes over 22,000 extant species. The variation includes ragworms, earthworms, and leeches. They can survive in marine environments, freshwater, and other terrestrial environments. Characteristics features of Annelids Habitats: The members of this phylum annelida may be aquatic (i.e. marine and freshwater), or terrestrial, free-living, and in some members, parasitism is also found. Level of organization: in annelids the organ-system…

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Phylum Platyhelminthes

Examples of Platyhelminthes

Phylum Platyhelminthes (Greek; platys= Flat; helmins = worms); The flatworms. Phylum Platyhelminthes includes 13000 species. These are found as free-living as well as parasitic life forms. These are also called Flatworms because of having a dorso-ventrally flattened body. Characteristics features of Phylum Platyhelminthes The Platyhelminthes are mostly parasitic and live on or inside the host. A few are free-living and aquatic. The body of flatworms is thin, soft, unsegmented, and dorsoventrally flattened. They may be leaf-like or ribbon-like animals. These are mostly endoparasites, found in various animals including human beings.…

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Phylum- Ctenophora

Phylum - Ctenophora

Phylum- Ctenophora Ctenophora- singular ctenophore. These are commonly called sea walnuts or comb jellies or Venus’s girdles. Phylum Ctenophorehas a wide range of body forms, including the flattened, deep-sea Platyctenids,  in which the adults of most species lack combs, and the coastal beroids, which lack tentacles and prey on other ctenophores by using huge mouths armed with groups of large, stiffened cilia that act as teeth. Characteristics features of Ctenophora: Habitats: The members of Ctenophora are exclusively marine. Level of Organisation: Tissue level of organization. Germinal layer– Dipoloblastic organisms. Symmetry: The body is radially…

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Phylum – Coelenterata (Cnidaria)

example of coelenterata

Phylum – Coelenterata (Cnidaria) The name Cnidaria- is derived from the word cnidoblast or cnidocytes which contains stinging capsules or nematocytes. This phylum is a group of aquatic or marine organisms. The members of Coelenterata are found in colonies or solitary. Over 11,000 species are found. Chareceristic feature of coelentrates:  Habitats: They are aquatic, mostly marine, Free-living, or maybe sessile. Body symmetry: These are radially symmetrical animals. Level of organization: They exhibit a tissue level of organization. Diploblastic i.e. the cell found in two embryonic layers as external ectoderm and…

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