Zika Virus transmitted by the mosquito bite

Zika Virus

Zika Virus Why in News? Few Zika Virus Infection cases have been reported in one of the states in the Republic of INDIA and that is Kerala. As of now today in Kerala 15th Zika Virus Infectious cases have been reported. Due to that all the Border sharing states of Read more…

seafloor spreading


Seafloor Spreading The concept of seafloor spreading was proposed by Harry Hammond Hess in 1961 (an American geologist). He discovered the mid-Atlantic ridges i.e. mid-ocean ridges. It is a geologic process in which tectonic plates splits apart from each other. The process of seafloor spreading occurs at mid-oceanic ridges, in Read more…

Ajanta Caves

World Heritage Sites in India

World Heritage Site A world Heritage Site is a landmark or area with legal protection by an international convention administered by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). These sites are important places of cultural or natural heritage as described in the UNESCO world heritage Convention, Established in Read more…

Nervous Tissue

Nervous Tissue

Nervous Tissue The nervous tissues are specialized with no intercellular space. They are found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. These are the main components of the nervous system. The nervous system function to regulate and controls bodily functions. The nervous system consisting two parts- Central Nervous System and Read more…