Mind Map of Buddhism

Buddhism: Teaching, Spread, and Causes for Decline

Buddhism: Teaching, Spread, Causes for Decline and contribution to Indian Culture Causes of origin of Buddhism: The complex rituals and sacrifices during the later Vedic period were not acceptable to common people. Expansive Sacrificial ceremonies. The confusion of people about the ‘superstitious beliefs and mantras’. The highly philosophical nature of Read more…

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Jainism: Origin, Doctrines, Spread, and Causes of Decline

Jainism: Origin, Doctrines, Spread, and Causes of Decline Cause of origin: The primary cause of the origin of the religion was the religious unrest in India in the 6th Century B.C. In society, many complex rituals and sacrifices were advocated during the Later Vedic period which was not acceptable to Read more…

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