Indian Councils Act of 1909

Indian Councils Act of 1909

Indian Councils Act of 1909 Indian Councils Act of 1909 is also known as Morley-Minto Reforms. It was named after Lord Morley, the then secretary of state for India, and Lord Minto, the then viceroy of India. The Morley-Minto Reforms were announced only to placate the moderate nationalists. It was Read more…

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Plasmolysis in plants - Transport in plants

Transport in Plants

Transport in Plants Plants perform the process of transportation in different ways in both short distance as well as long distances. The long-distance transport occurs mainly through vascular tissues (i.e., xylem, and phloem) and the process is called translocation. Over small distances, materials move through diffusion, cytoplasmic streaming, and active Read more…

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World Press Freedom Index 2023

World Press Freedom Index 2023

World Press Freedom Index 2023 Published by: Reporter Without Borders (RSF) – A non-profit organization (NGO) based in Paris. RSF has a consultative status of the United Nations (UN) and UNESCO The Council of Europe and the Organization Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)  OIF is an organization of 54 French-speaking countries. Read more…

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International organizations

International Organizations

International Organizations: Introduction: International organizations are also known as intergovernmental organizations. An international organization is a stable set of norms and rules meant to govern the behavior of states and other actors in the International system. The list of important  International Organizations is given in the table: Organizations Estd. Headquarters Read more…

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