

Ecosystem: The term ecosystem was first used in 1935, by British ecologist Arthur Tansley.  Interaction of living and non-living of an area with each other, i.e. interacting organisms of an area together with the non-living constituents of the environment form an ecosystem. This shows the relationship between organism and their Read more…

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kidney- the organ of excretion

Life Process-4 Excretion in Human and Plants

Life Process-4 Excretion Excretion: Removal of all harmful, unwanted products (especially nitrogenous wastes) from the body of an organism is called excretion. Different organisms use various strategies to perform the process. For example- Many unicellular organisms remove wastes by simple diffusion from the body’s surface into the surrounding water. The Read more…

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respiration in human

Life Process- 2 Respiration

Life Process- 2 Respiration Respiration: Every living organism needs energy to perform various life activities, and the process of respiration fulfills this energy requirement. During respiration, this food is broken down in the presence of oxygen, and energy is released during respiration. Breathing- exchange of gases between the animal body Read more…

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