Planets in Our Solar System

The Solar System

The Solar System The solar system is a family of the Sun along with eight major planets, dwarf planets (Ex. Pluto), satellites, asteroids, Moons, meteors, and comets. All these orbit the sun to form the Solar System. Sun is our motherly and nearest star, which creates energy from nuclear reactions Read more…

seafloor spreading


Seafloor Spreading The concept of seafloor spreading was proposed by Harry Hammond Hess in 1961 (an American geologist). He discovered the mid-Atlantic ridges i.e. mid-ocean ridges. It is a geologic process in which tectonic plates splits apart from each other. The process of seafloor spreading occurs at mid-oceanic ridges, in Read more…

Plate tectonics

Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics Plate tectonics: The term was first coined by JT Wilson in 1965. After the evolution of the concept of the “continental drift hypothesis” and “seafloor spreading” a broader concept of “plate tectonics” was developed in 1967. The theory of Plate Tectonics was introduced independently by McKenzie, Parker, Morgan, Read more…