First Carnatic War - 1740-48

First Carnatic War – 1740-48

First Carnatic War – 1740-48 Some important Facts of the first Carnatic war: The war fought between English and French The leaders involved- Anwar-du-din Khan (Nawab of Carnatic), Major Stringer Lawrence (British), and Joseph Francois Dupleix (French Governor-General) Place Carnatic region, Southern India. Background of first Carnatic war: The name Read more…

revolt of 1857

The Revolt of 1857

The Revolt of 1857 The Revolt of 1857- 1859 (Indian Rebellion) occurred in various regions of the country, the revolt was against the British Rule of the East India Company, which functioned as a sovereign power on behalf of the British Crown. Before 1857 there were also many people uprising Read more…