Phylum Aschelminthes or Nemathelminthes

Example of aschelminthes

Phylum Aschelminthes or Nemathelminthes (Greek; nema = thread; helmins = worm) The Roundworms In phylum Aschelminthes, the organisms are also called roundworms because the body is circular in cross-section. These organisms are endoparasites. They are cylindrical, unsegmented, and triploblastic animals. The roundworms are mostly parasitic and cause diseases in plants, animals, and human beings. Characteristics Features of Aschelminthes/ Nematoda They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, and unsegmented pseudocoelomates. The body is slender, vermiform, and rounded, or cylindrical in shape. Habitat– These animals exist as free-living, aquatic, and terrestrial or may be…

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