Agnipath Scheme For Recruitment of Youth  (Agniveers) in the Armed Forces

The Union Cabinet approved the scheme on 14 June 2022 for Indian youth to serve in the Armed Forces.

The Agnipath allows patriotic and motivated youth to serve in Armed Forces for a period of four years. The Scheme is designed to enable a youthful profile of the Armed Forces.

Around 45,000 to 50,000 soldiers will be recruited annually under the Agnipath scheme, out of which only 25% will be allowed to continue for another 15 years under permanent commission.

Agniveers: The youth selected under the Agneepath Scheme will be known as Agniveers. The Agniveers will be offered an opportunity to apply for permanent enrolment in the Armed Forces after a period of four years through this 25% of total Agniveers will continue the service.

Objectives of the Scheme Agnipath:

The Agnipath Scheme provides an opportunity to the youth who may be keen to don the uniform by attracting young talent from the society who are more in tune with contemporary technological trends and plough back skilled, disciplined, and motivated manpower into the society.

  • The Agnipath Scheme has been designed to enable a youthful profile of the Armed forces.
  • It will enhance the youthful profile of the Armed forces and provide a fresh lease of ‘Josh’ and ‘Jazba’.
  • It is envisaged that the average age profile of the Indian Armed forces would come down by about 4-5 years by the implementation of this scheme.
  • It is said that “the dividends of short military service to the nation, society, and the youth of the nation are immense.
  • This includes the inculcation of patriotism, teamwork, enhancement, of physical fitness, ingrained loyalty to the country, and availability of trained personnel to boost national security in times of external threats and natural disasters.


Agnipath Scheme For Recruitment of Youth in the Armed Forces

Agnipath Scheme For Recruitment of Youth in the Armed Forces; Pic source- Gov

Eligebility Criteria to being Agniveer:

The main eligibility criteria for Agniveer are:

  • The age limit is 17.5 to 23 years (revised)
  • Recruitment: Candidates will be enrolled under the respective Service Act for a service duration of four years including a training period.
  • Pan India Merit-based recruitment.

Advantages of  The Scheme:

  • A transformative reform of the recruitment policy of Armed forces.
  • A unique opportunity for the youth to serve the country and contribute to Nation building.
  • Armed Forces profile to be Youthful and Dynamic.
  • The attractive financial package for the Agniveers.
  • Opportunity for Afniveers to train in the best institution and enhance their skills and qualification.
  • Availability of well-disciplined and skilled youth military ethos in civil society.
  • Adequate re-employment opportunities for those returning to society and who could emerge as role models for the youth.
Benefits to Agniveers:

Agniveers will be given an attractive monthly package with Risk and Hardship allowances as applicable in the three services.

On completion of the fourth year, Agniveers will be paid one time Sevanidhi package. The financial package to Agniveers is given below:

Financial Package

The financial package of Agniveers is including:

  • The first-year package – approx. Rs. 4.76 lacs, upgradation up to approx. Rs. 6.92 lacs in the fourth year.
  • Allowances: Risk & Hardship, Ration, Dress, Travel allowances as applicable.
  • A one-time package of Rs. 11.71 lacs will be paid to Agniveer which is exempted from income tax.
  • Life insurance cover of Rs. 48 lacs for four years
  • Death compensation – Rs. 1 crore including the pay for the unserved tenure.



Agneepath-after-4-years; Pic source- Gov.


Criticism of the Scheme:

The Scheme has been criticized by various people such as candidates and working personnel. The main reasons for criticism of the scheme are:

  • The scheme provides a short length of service.
  • No pension and other benefits were given in the old system.
  • Lack of communication, before the introduction of the new scheme for recruitment, the gov. did not produce any white paper.
  • No information about the scheme was given to the public prior to its announcement.
  • After retaining 25% of the forces the rest 75% had to find jobs again for them.





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