International Organizations Under UNO

International Organizations Under UNO

International Organizations Under UNO The UN came into existence after the IInd World War in 1945, the UN was seeing many global issues which need to trace and work on it to reduce the challenges and try to resolve the issues in various areas.  So for that reason, the UN Formed many organizations to trace and reduce global issues worldwide. International Organizations Under UNO A list of International Organizations Under UNO with short details is given in the table below: Name Of Agencies Estd. In Headquarters Purpose International Labour Organization (ILO)…

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Organs of the United Nations

UN Secretary Generals

Organs of the United Nations: The United Nations (UN) has six main organs. Five of them – The General Assembly, The Security Council, The Economic and Social Council, The Trusteeship Council, and the Secretariat – are based at UN headquarters in NEW YORK. The Sixth, The International Court of Justice, is located in The Hague in the Netherlands. All Were established under the UN charter when the Organization was founded in 1945. list of Organs Of the United Nations : General Assembly Security Council Economic and Social Council International Court…

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United Nations Organization (UNO)

un Emblem

United Nations Organizations (UNO) The United Nations is an International Organization founded in 1945 after the 2nd world War. Primarily 51 countries came together with Common agenda to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, and promote social justice and progress, better living standards, and human rights. UNO Insights: The UN’s Membership has grown from the original 51 member states in 1945 to the current 193 member states. The UN has evolved over the years with a rapidly changing world But one thing that has stayed the…

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List of Prime Ministers of India

List of Prime Ministers of India

List of Prime Ministers of India Since 1947 India has had 14 prime ministers, 15 including  Gulzarilal Nanda who twice acted in the role, of which 6 have at least one full term, ruling the country for about 60 years. The first Prime minister was Jawaharlal Nehru from the Indian National Congress party. Name of Prime minister Tenure Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) Constituency – Phulpur Uttar Pradesh Jawaharlal Nehru was an Indian independence activist and, subsequently, the first Prime Minister of India. Considered as one of the greatest statesmen of modern…

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The First in India

First in India

The First in India The First in India: Male The First in India: Male The first President of the Indian Republic           Dr. Rajendra Prasad The first Vice president of India Dr. Radhakrishnan The first Prime Minister of free India   Pt. Jawaharlal Lal Nehru The first Chief of the Army Staff Gen.   Maharaj Rajendra Singhji The first Indian Commander-in-Chief of India                          General Cariappa The first Indian to win Noble Prize  Rabindranath Tagore The first Indian to join  C.I.S.   Satyendra Nath Tagore The first President of the Indian…

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World population day

World population day

World population day World population day is observed every year on 11 July, it seeks to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues. History of World Population Day   World Population Day was established by the United Nations Development Programme in 1989, an outgrowth of the interest generated by the Day of Five Billion, which was observed on 11 July 1987. By resolution 45/216 of December 1990, the United Nations General Assembly decided to continue observing World Population Day enhance awareness of population issues, including their relations…

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World Heritage Sites in India

Ajanta Caves

World Heritage Site A world Heritage Site is a landmark or area with legal protection by an international convention administered by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). These sites are important places of cultural or natural heritage as described in the UNESCO world heritage Convention, Established in 1972. United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) were founded in 1945 to develop the ‘intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind, Located in Paris, France. Important Facts about World Heritage Sites The program began with the “Convention Concerning the…

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Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates: 2020

Nobel Prize 2020

Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates: 2020 Twelve laureates were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2020, for achievements that have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates: 2020 Field Nobel Laureates Contribution of Nobel Laureates The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 Roger Penrose for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the center of our galaxy The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 Emmanuelle Charpentier…

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List of Indian Nobel Laureates

Nobel prize winners

List of Indian Nobel Laureates Nobel Prize- Introduction: The Nobel Prize includes five separate prizes that, according to Alfred Nobel’s Will of 1895, are awarded to “those persons who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.” Nobel Prizes are awarded in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace Nobel Prizes were first awarded in 1901 Nobel characterized the Peace Prize as “to the person who has done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing…

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