Chronology of Ancient History of India

History has been divided into three periods for the purpose of study, and to shape the history in the given time period.:

Ancient India was studied under the heads of the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Chalcolithic Periods on the basis of the types of stones or metal tools used by people.

Paleolithic Period or Old stone age: ( before 10,000 BC)

  • Discovery of fire
  • Tools made up of Limestone

Important sites of the Palaeolithic period:

  1. The sone valley and Potwar Plateau in northwest India
  2. The Siwalik hills
  3. Bhimbetka in Mp
  4. Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh
  5. Kaladgi Basin
  6. Adamgarh hill in Narmada Valley
  7. Hungsi near Krishna river. etc.

Mesolithic Period or middle stone age: (10,000 BC – 8,000 BC)

It is the transitional phase between the Palaeolithic and Neolithic age

Mesolithic remains were found in:

  1. Lalghanj in Gujarat
  2. Adamgarh in Madhya Pradesh
  3. Rajasthan etc.

Neolithic period:  (8000 – 2000 BC)

  • Wheel was discovered
  • The use of metal begun
  • Growth of Village
  • Farming
  • Humans began to domesticate animals

Important Sites of the Neolithic Period:

  • Hallur (Andhra Pradesh)
  • Paiyampalli (Andhra Pradesh)
  • Mahagara (U.P)
  • Mehrgarh (Pakistan)
  • Chirand (Bihar)
  • Maski
  • Kodekal
  • Burzhome (Kashmir)
  • Koldihwa (Uttar Pradesh)
  • Daojali Hading (Tripura/ Assam), etc

Chalcolithic Period: (4000 BC – 1,500 BC)

Towards the close of the Neolithic Period, the use of Metal began, which lead the way to the Chalcolithic period.

  • It is considered part of the Bronze Age (Bronze = Copper + Tin), also called Copper Age.

Indus Valley Civilization (2600 BC – 1900 BC)

Iron Age: (1500 BC – 200 BC)

MahaJanpadas ( c. 500 – c. 345 BCE) – The major civilization after The Indus valley civilization

Maurya Dynasty (c. 322 – c. 185 BCE)

Later Mauryans  

  • Shunga Dynasty (c. 185 – c. 75 BCE)
  • Kanva Dynasty (c. 75- c.30 BCE)
  • Satvahan Dynasty (c. 30 BCE – c. 220 CE.)
  • Kushana Dynasty (78 AD)
  • South Indian Dynasties- Chola, Chera, Pandyas (300 BC)

The Classical Age started in the Gupta period

Gupta Dynasty (300 AD – 800 AD)

  • Chandragupta I (320 – 330 AD)
  • Samudragupta (330- 380 AD)
  • Chandragupta II (380 – 415 AD)
Post-Gupta or Contemporary Gupta

Dynasties after Gupas were:

  • Chalukya Dynasty (between 6th to 12th centuries)
    • Badami Chalukya
    • Eastern Chalukya
    • Western Chalukya
  • Pusyabhuti also called Vardhana Dynasty (Harsh – 606 to 647 Ad)
  • Karakota Dynasty
  • Arab invasion
  • Tripartite Struggle
  • Chola Dynasty
  • 2nd Chalukya Dynasty


Chronology of Ancient history

Chronology of Ancient History


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